为什么选择我们/WHY US?
Talents Leasing 秉持对全球化专业分工和企业劳动用工管理的深刻理解,针对地区经济和劳动法律环境的特色,为各类企事业单位提供专业化的劳动用工解决方案及人力资源外包服务,助力企业快速搭建团队,有效降低运营成本,提升人力资源管理效率,防控风险。
Talents Leasing adheres to a deep understanding of global professional division of labor and enterprise labor management. Based on the characteristics of regional economic and labor legal environment, we provide professional labor and employment solutions and human resource outsourcing services for various enterprises and institutions, so as to help enterprises quickly build teams and effectively reduce operating costs. Improve the efficiency of human resource management and prevent & control risks.
我们的服务/Our Services
  • 中国内地专项服务/Domestic Services
  • 海外服务/Services Overseas
  • IT服务/IT Services
HR流程管理/HR Process Outsourcing
为客户公司提供人力资源流程管理服务,包括员工入离职流程、社保公积金管理、工资个税管理、员工关系管理等。/Provide HR process management services for customers, including employee entry & exit process, social security fund management, payroll & tax management, employee relationship management, etc.
为客户管理员工的薪资记录、考勤、假期,并负责薪资计算及发放,处理社保公积金数据匹配、个人所得税数据匹配、工资条发放及员工工资答疑咨询。/Manage employees' salary records, attendance and holidays for clients, be responsible for salary calculation and payment, handle social security provident fund data matching, personal income tax data matching, pay slip issuance and employee salary consultation, etc.
项目外包/Business Outsourcing
为客户提供整体项目外包服务,由泰伦理信承担完全雇主责任和相应的劳动用工相关事务,确保客户不存在劳动用工相关历史问题。/Provide customers with overall project outsourcing services, by the full responsibility of the employer and the corresponding labor and employment related affairs, to ensure that customers do not have labor and employment related history problems, etc.
劳务派遣/Labor Dispatch
为客户提供人员劳务派遣服务,由泰伦理信与员工签订派遣员工劳动合同,承担用人单位责任和相应的劳动用工相关事务,确保客户的劳动用工灵活性与规范性。/Provide customers with labor dispatch services, Talents Leasing will sign labor contracts with employees, assume the responsibilities of the employer and the corresponding labor and employment related affairs, and ensure the flexibility and standardization of the customer's labor and employment.
灵活用工/Flexible Staffing
为客户提供灵活就业人员推送及管理,协助客户以个人承包的方式完成合规用工及报酬结算。/Provide customers with flexible employment and management, and assist customers to complete compliance employment and compensation settlement in the way of individual contracting.
招聘猎头/Talents Acquisition
为客户提供中高端人才招聘服务;IT技术人才RPO服务;客服销售地推等批量岗位RPO服务。/ Provide customers with high-end talents recruitment services; IT technical personnel RPO service; Customer service sales and other bulk post RPO service, etc.
外籍人员服务/Expatriate Services
外籍人员在国内各城市的就业相关证件办理;社保公积金和工资个税管理。/Employment documents for foreign workers in domestic cities; Social security fund and income tax management, etc.
HR管理系统/HR Management Systems
为客户提供灵活的人力资源管理系统和员工自助服务工具,通过RPA实现人力资源事务操作的流程自动化。/Provide customers with flexible human resource management system and employee self-service tools, and realize the process automation of human resource transaction operations through RPA.
我们的优势/Our Advantages
Flexible HR management system
为客户提供个性化设置的基础HR管理系统和员工自助服务工具。通过RPA技术自动对接社保公积金、个税系统/Provide customers with personalized basic HR management system and employee self-service tools. Through RPA technology, social security provident fund and individual tax system are automatically connected
Customized intimate service
从客户的实际出发,量身定做专业化的人力资源外包解决方案,为客户提供及时、灵活的贴心服务/From the actual situation of customers, customized professional human resources outsourcing solutions, to provide customers with timely, flexible and intimate service
Global service system
全国150多家人力资源服务合作伙伴使我们的服务网络遍布31个省级地区的280座城市。全球覆盖港澳台地区/东南亚/欧盟等国家和地区/With more than 150 HR service partners across the country, our service network covers 280 cities in 31 provincial-level regions. Global coverage of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan/Southeast Asia/EU and other countries and regions
Senior service team
多年从事HRO的专业团队,资深的劳动法律顾问(曾在知名人事外包公司从事咨询顾问工作平均5年以上,80%具有硕士学位)/Engaged in HRO's professional team for many years, senior labor legal consultant (has worked as a consultant in a well-known HR outsourcing company for an average of more than 5 years, 80% have a master's degree)